'Erba Regina' is an important local project set up by Dr. Maria Regina Bortolato. "Le Nostre Erbe" - in collaboration with Rome's Tor Vergata University Botanical Garden and GAL Castelli Romani e Monte Prenestini - aims to recuperate and promote the area's traditional herbs, for both gastronomical, health and beauty purposes. Re-proposing fascinating ancient, typical traditions. Along with the Agricultural Reseasrch Center (CRA-FRU), autochthonous fruit trees are also being saved from extinction. This coming Sping (early May) the wonderful 'agritourism' farm-hotel will open to greet guests in an original context, respectful of the local land. Each room has its own garden and en-suite bathroom. The kitchen has been designed to hold cookery classes for guests, and many types of workshops to demonstrate how to transform some of the herbs and flowers into essential oils, soapmaking and much more, will be held throughout the year. Regina also makes her own EV olive oil and wine and collaborates with a local association that brings youngsters with special needs to the farm, offering them occupational therapy. There is a surprising variety of herbs grown on the farm, and Regina's 'customers' include many top Roman chefs.
Vicolo di Colle Rete, 2 (loc. Cisternole)
00044 Frascati (RM)
Phone: +39 3338255443
email : [email protected]
Vicolo di Colle Rete, 2 (loc. Cisternole)
00044 Frascati (RM)
Phone: +39 3338255443
email : [email protected]